A Ministry in Golf
Bringing a message of Faith to The Golfing World
Golf fundamentals, trick shots, humor and a message of faith.
With Buddy's strong faith, he is always ready to share his Christian beliefs while performiing his golf exhibitions. During his presentation, he compares the game of golf with the Christian Faith. Add his humor and you have an exciting life-changing message.
Not just "Golf Greatest Entertainer", but someone who has a unique way of sharing the Christian faith and way of life while relating it to the game of golf. He points out that the fundamentals of the game and the Christian faith have never changed since inception. The secret is to move this knowledge from your head to your heart, enabling one to walk the fairways of golf and life with confidence and faith.
With his fun and exciting way of presenting the gospel, Buddy always challenges the gallery to become more committed to their walk in the Christian faith Not only have golf games improved because of these presentations, but many lives have been changed by growing their faith and having a closer walk with their Lord and Savior.
Buddy has always felt that God has given him special talents and a platform to spread the Word and he uses these gifts to glorify his Lord.
Buddy's presentation can be held inside or outsie, on church property or at the golf course before a tournament or outing. He is also available to share his testimony during a church service, prayer breakfast or business luncheon. The possibilities are endless and the results always rewarding.

Sharing with the group or one on one,
"the message never changes".